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Clock Shadow Creamery

Milwaukee, WI

March 22, 2019

We didn't have time and opportunity to take the tour, but they offer a tour of the cheese-making operation so that puts Clock Shadow a step up on any local competition. The extreme freshness of the stock is also a significant point in favor of this little cheese shop. The trade-off, of course, is that since they only really stock the cheese they make in-house, the selection isn't as impressive as any standard deli-counter. 

Quality always wins over quantity, though, and Clock Shadow makes a premium product. The prices also reflect the lack of having to cover shipping prior to sale, so as premium cheese shops go, this was one of the least pricy we've seen to date. We picked up a few kinds of cheese curds for the road and kept them on ice. We ignored anything resembling a lunch place for the remainder of our trip since the curds or "squeaks" as they were labeled kept that squeaky freshness right up to the end of the bags.  Clock Shadow definitely made our side trip to Milwaukee worthwhile, and we'd contemplate the 1300-odd mile trip to go back, take the tour, and eat more squeaks.

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