Strandvillan's Cafe
Sigtuna, Sweden
August 24, 2018
Our last morning in Sweden we were finally in Sigtuna late enough in the morning for this café to open. Each evening as we reached Sigtuna, and each morning before we left, we walked by the place, admiring its lovely garden tables as well as the pretty pink building with its front windows looking out over Lake Malaren. We were so excited to see the doors open that we stopped in, despite having already breakfasted elsewhere. Being mostly full, we decided to share some pies before heading off to the airport to catch our flight. Raz’s Rhubarb pie with its crumble top was tart, tangy, and he loved it. I would not have been able to take a bite were it not for the sweet Crème Anglaise that was drizzled over the top and pooled at the side of the pie. My own warm Hazelnut pie was served with a side of something halfway between whipped cream and ice cream that was decadent and full of kick-you-in-the-teeth Madagascar vanilla. I had never tried a Hazelnut pie before. The texture is similar to pecan, but it has that unmistakable hazelnut flavor that is slightly exotic for an indescribable reason. I definitely recommend this place for its pies, and should we ever have opportunity to stay in Sigtuna again, we will endeavor to stop here for lunch, which is their specialty.

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